Course description

Time Stamps 0:00 intro 1:15 outline 2:20 getting started 3:00 choosing a template 5:50 naming your site 6:20 tour of the interface 7:18 viewing in mobile vs desktop view 7:30 editing a page 8:12 adding a new section to a page 9:04 creating a new section from a blank section 9:55 adding a text box below something 10:33 changing the section background - add an image or use a color 11:20 adding elements above or below within the section (button, image, etc.) 12:15 customizing a button 13:00 adding links to text (internal and external linking) 13:40 adding elements to the left or right (spacers, images, or anything else) 14:27 resizing spacers 15:50 deleting elements and sections 16:40 header editing 18:10 disabling cart icon 19:30 removing pages, renaming pages, rearranging pages, page SEO changing URL slug, enable/disable/password protect page 23:10 Design - animations, font, colors, 404 error page, checkout page 24:00 adding a favicon (browser icon) 26:50 ecommerce - choosing the right plan 30:00 adding products, creating variants, naming skus, selling physical products, digital products, services, or gift cards 36:00 managing inventory 37:14 setting up discounts 39:20 setting up payments with paypal, stripe, venmo, and/or square 40:10 abandoned cart recovery, express checkout, checkout optimization 42:00 customer accounts 42:15 shipping options 43:44 publishing your site 44:00 placing a test order to verify proper function of cart, checkout, and confirmation emails 45:00 notifications 47:15 marketing (promtional popups, etc.) 48:00 SEO 49:00 selling directly on instagram 51:20 analytics 51:40 scheduling 52:00 settings: extensions/plug-ins, permissions, social links, business info, adding a domain, email and G-Suite (email) 55:50 blogging What we will be covering in this video: Connect payment Check out Shipping Flat rate, rate by weight, carrier calculated, free shipping Test run as customer Order and immediately refund yourself 1. Real order 2.Test order mode (for credit and debit only - no paypal) DISABLE TEST MODE IMMEDIATELY AFTER TESTING Settings, payments, test mode on/off Notification emails Discounts/sales Free shipping discount option, percent, amount, Analytics page Processing orders Refunds, contact customers, process/manage, receive emails for each new order Click on orders - everything happens in here Click on the order, Mark fulfilled, cancel, issue refund, etc. - add tracking nimber Use the app to scan barcodes for tracking Integrate with Instagram Connecting stripe Visa master amex discover apple pay paypal Express checkout (removes shopping cart - best for single item stores)

What will i learn?

  • An excellent tutorial on how to use Squarespace to start an ecommerce business


  • None

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